Podcast Resources Page

This page is meant to help you find the resources we talk about in the podcast or to use it as a quick reference guide to the Scriptures discussed.

November 2023 Podcast Resources

How can you know where to start a good Bible study?
COMA Method: Context - Observation - Meaning - Application
One-To-One Bible Reading by David Helm  (Purchase on Amazon here)
Camp Rock Bible Study: Foundations Study Is your foundation in Scripture rock solid?
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at Harvest Valley Church
5:45-6:45pm: Junior High (7th-8th Grade)
7:00-8:00pm: Senior High (9th-12th Grade)
Alliance E-Free Youth Group: Genesis Study
Every Sunday evening
Monument Bible Youth Group: Topical Study
Every Sunday evening
Camp Rock Ministries App: TAWG (Time Alone With God)
Daily personal Bible study 
How can you get someone to come to church or youth group without them thinking you are being pushy or annoying? 
John 6:1-21
Why do we find it fun or a good thing to sin sometimes?
Happiness versus Joy
Genesis 3
Galatians 5:16-26
Why did God make people before the flood, if He knew He was going to have the flood?
Genesis 6:1-8
Genesis 6:6
Genesis 18-19
What do you believe is the biggest challenge that Gen Z will face spiritually?
The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis  (Purchase on Amazon here)
Romans 12:3
Proverbs 3:5