Our Camp Pastors have a great bond and work together throughout the year to provide opportunities for youth to study God's word together through Retreats, Homeschool Co-op Bible Classes, Youth Groups Activities, and more!
Art DeVos
Executive Director
Camp Rock Ministries
Art is in his 20th year of full-time camp ministry serving alongside of his wife, Pam and their two sons, Ashton and Hudson. They have served 11 of those years here at Camp Rock Ministries.

Colby Houchin
Youth Pastor
Monument Bible Church in Scottsbluff
Colby, his wife Aleah and their two sons moved to Scottsbluff in 2022 to begin serving at Monument Bible Church. Colby has an extensive camp ministry background and immediately got involved in CRM's summer ministry.
Dan Terrell
Associate Pastor
Alliance Evangelical Free Church
Dan and his wife Alina have three kids and have been serving at the Alliance E-Free church since 2013. Dan has also served on the CRM board since 2018 and is currently the CRM board president.

Adam Sanders
Pastor of families & Discipleship
Harvest Valley Church in Scottsbluff
Adam and his wife Elizabeth moved to Scottsbluff in 2022 with their four children to begin serving at Harvest Valley Church. Adam immediately got connected with CRM and spent his first week serving as a camp pastor in 2023.