...but bring them up in the training and instruction of the lord.
ephesians 6:4
CRM's policies are made with safety being paramount. Our policies aren't meant to be restrictive but allow for our camp program to thrive with the highest quality experience valued for each camper.
Cell Phone Policy
Camp Rock, along with summer camps across the country, will continue to enforce a no camper cell phone policy. We can appreciate the desire for parents and guardians to be in contact with their camper while they are at camp however the risks of allowing campers to have cell phones continue to outweigh the benefits in the camp community.
Cell phones continue to advance and offer multi-use functions like camera, video recording, music player, texting, web browsing, and video games that can put campers at risk of emotional injury when misused or unsupervised. In addition to these factors, cell phones can be expensive and the outdoor camp environment can be hard on electronics. We encourage letters from home and encourage campers to write letters while they are here.
Cell phones continue to advance and offer multi-use functions like camera, video recording, music player, texting, web browsing, and video games that can put campers at risk of emotional injury when misused or unsupervised. In addition to these factors, cell phones can be expensive and the outdoor camp environment can be hard on electronics. We encourage letters from home and encourage campers to write letters while they are here.
During your child’s week at camp we can assure you that a parent or guardian will be contacted if…
- Your camper is ill, with a fever over 100 degrees
- Your camper needs medical treatment off-site
- If there are questions regarding medications or healthcare of your camper
- Your camper is unable to function within the community of Camp Rock in a healthy way
Any cell phones that are sent with campers will be confiscated and held in the office until the end of the session.
Cell phones will be used by camp staff in emergency or safety situations.
Cell phones will be used by camp staff in emergency or safety situations.
Camper Contact Policy
Camp Rock does not allow parents to call their child just to check in with them. We will allow for parents to communicate to their child in special cases. If you'd like to update your child in the week or simply send a note to encourage them you may mail them a letter or you may email them.
If you would like to send a letter to your child, address it to:
Camper’s Name
Camp Rock
8092 Road 81
Bridgeport, Nebraska 69336
Remember, mail delivery generally will take 2-3 days. Please send them early enough in the week to guarantee they are still at camp when the mail arrives.
Email a note to your camper: office@camprock.net
Please put your camper’s full name in the subject line of your email. We will print off emails daily to be handed out with the regular mail. Please note: We will not print attachments or print emails in color.
If you would like to send a letter to your child, address it to:
Camper’s Name
Camp Rock
8092 Road 81
Bridgeport, Nebraska 69336
Remember, mail delivery generally will take 2-3 days. Please send them early enough in the week to guarantee they are still at camp when the mail arrives.
Email a note to your camper: office@camprock.net
Please put your camper’s full name in the subject line of your email. We will print off emails daily to be handed out with the regular mail. Please note: We will not print attachments or print emails in color.
Medications (prescription and over-the-counter) must be turned in at registration to the Health & Safety Coordinator. Our preference is that all medications be in the original bottle. Our Health & Safety Coordinator will make sure that all campers receive their proper medications at the proper times.
Parents/Guardians are asked to give any additional instructions or descriptions of special needs when the medications are turned in at Check-In. Certain medications, such as inhalers and epi pens, still need to be checked in, however they will be given to the child or counselor to keep with them, as per your instructions.
Parents/Guardians are asked to give any additional instructions or descriptions of special needs when the medications are turned in at Check-In. Certain medications, such as inhalers and epi pens, still need to be checked in, however they will be given to the child or counselor to keep with them, as per your instructions.
Check In
Our goal is to keep Check-In as quick as possible. It benefits parents and grandparents who need to get back to
work and it benefits the campers to avoid the elongated good-bye which many times can lead to homesickness.
During the check-in process, you can expect the following things to happen:
work and it benefits the campers to avoid the elongated good-bye which many times can lead to homesickness.
During the check-in process, you can expect the following things to happen:
- Turn in all medications. (See Medications Policy)
- Verify who is able to pick your child up at the end of the week.
- Turn in any money for the Camp Store. (We recommend not keeping any money in your child’s belongings.)
- Receive your camper’s dorm room assignment and be introduced to your counselor for the week.
Moving in will take place when everyone has arrived for your campers bunk group. While waiting for all campers
in your child’s bunk group, they will be playing games and getting to know their fellow bunkmates as well as their counselor.
in your child’s bunk group, they will be playing games and getting to know their fellow bunkmates as well as their counselor.
Visitors policy
VISITORS are NOT allowed during the camp week. This is a standard policy that camps hold because it is a safety concern and because it is intrusive and interrupting to the camp program. If you need to reach your child due to an EMERGENCY, please contact the camp at 308-262-1585 and we can arrange any necessary contact with that child or a pickup if necessary. If you do not reach anyone at the main office number (which also rings in the Director’s home), call the Director’s cell at 308-279-1659.
In signing your child up for camp, we have the understanding that you are entrusting us with your child and that we will be doing everything possible to keep your child safe. Furthermore, you should understand that contact with your child during that time is limited. We will be more than happy to give a report on how your child is doing if there is a concern. We appreciate your understanding.
In signing your child up for camp, we have the understanding that you are entrusting us with your child and that we will be doing everything possible to keep your child safe. Furthermore, you should understand that contact with your child during that time is limited. We will be more than happy to give a report on how your child is doing if there is a concern. We appreciate your understanding.