Ask A Camp Pastor


Camp Rock Ministries is intentional about discipleship. That means walking alongside our students throughout the entire year (not just during summer camp!) to encourage them and to continue to point them to Jesus.

Our campers have lots of questions about life, about God, about what things mean in Scripture, and we want to help answer those questions. Our desire is to utilize God's Word to answer these questions and using the Bible properly, not taking things out of context.

We hope you enjoy the podcast but more importantly draw closer to Jesus as you listen.

Watch or listen to the most recent podcast

Episode 9

Why is marrying a non-Christian such a big deal to some people?
Did God create the world in a literal 6 days?
Why did God create things that can kill us?
What are some good books to start in the Bible?

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Audio Only Version:

Episode 8
Answering questions live with CORE CAMP 1!

Why do my moods change so rapid? Is there a reason why they change so many times?
How do you deal with Christian friends that are not good examples or a bad influence on you?
What if you have a friend that acts one way at church or camp and then treats you terrible away from there?
How do you determine your denomination? Do you have to have a denomination?
How do I keep my faith after I move out?

Audio Only Version: