Welcome to camp rock 2024
We want to extend a big welcome to all new and returning Camp Rock Ministries Families! The start of your child’s summer camp session at Camp Rock is right around the corner, and we hope you are getting as excited as we are. This summer will be filled will fun, faith and friendships.
Our theme verse for this summer, Colossians 2:6-7, says this: "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, ROOTED and BUILT UP in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving." We encourage you to share this verse with your campers and pray for this upcoming summer as we prepare to teach kids what it means to be ROOTED and BUILT UP. Our plan is to walk through the entire book of Colossians with our week-long campers. Life and hope are in Christ. We sink our roots into His all-sufficiency while He grows our faith, builds our lives, and our faith thrives, overflowing with gratitude!
You may have a few questions as you begin to prepare for your week of camp, and we hope to answer a few of those with the information listed below. Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions by emailing office@camprock.net or calling our office at 308-262-1685.
Our theme verse for this summer, Colossians 2:6-7, says this: "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, ROOTED and BUILT UP in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving." We encourage you to share this verse with your campers and pray for this upcoming summer as we prepare to teach kids what it means to be ROOTED and BUILT UP. Our plan is to walk through the entire book of Colossians with our week-long campers. Life and hope are in Christ. We sink our roots into His all-sufficiency while He grows our faith, builds our lives, and our faith thrives, overflowing with gratitude!
You may have a few questions as you begin to prepare for your week of camp, and we hope to answer a few of those with the information listed below. Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions by emailing office@camprock.net or calling our office at 308-262-1685.
SALT Training
May 27-30
Drop Off
Please register your camper at Notz Chapel between 4:00pm & 4:30am on Monday, May 27. Notz Chapel is the large, white, metal building on the west side of our property. Please look for the welcome flags at the base of the driveway, located on Highway 88. If any SALT Team Member is driving themselves, they can park in the chapel parking lot for the duration of their training. (They will turn over their keys to our staff and get them returned at the end of training.)
• 4:00pm-4:30pm
• 4:00pm-4:30pm
Pick Up
We invite you to come to the CRM Skate Night at Zwetzig Skate and Bounce in Gering from 6:00pm to 8:00pm for our final time together. Dismissal for SALT will be at 8:00pm on Thursday from the skating rink. If it is more convenient to pick your child up from the camp, we will be back at 9:00pm to end the evening. (Let us know at drop off.) SALT Team Members who can drive will be able to drive themselves to the skating rink unless otherwise noted at drop off. (No other SALT Team Members are able to ride along with another SALT Team Member without parent permission.)
What To Bring
Bring the necessities on the list and your Bibles! Please refer to our packing list for all you need to bring to camp. (No swimsuit needed.)
Your themes for this session are:
•Glow Party (Pack apparel that will glow under black lights.)
Your themes for this session are:
•Glow Party (Pack apparel that will glow under black lights.)
Medical Forms & Medications
Please complete your child’s medical forms before heading to camp. You can complete the form online by logging back into your CampWise account. (Many of you have already completed this step during the registration process.) A completed medical form is required to participate in camp. All medications need to be turned in at drop-off. We prefer they are in their original bottles with their original labels. Our Health & Safety Coordinator will check them in, make sure all questions are answered, and will diligently distribute the medications at the proper times.
Store Cards
Store cards are used to purchase items at our camp store throughout the week and eliminates the need for campers to carry cash. You can place any amount on the store card that you would like (an average amount for a full week of camp is $15). SALT Team Members store accounts carry through the entire summer! You can prepay by logging onto your CampWise account or pay during registration. Any money remaining on the card at the end of the summer will go to an offering for camp scholarships. The camp store will open during check-in and check-out as well as various times during the camp week. Store money will be able to be used in our brand new coffee shop here at CRM, Redington Coffee Co. We are also trying a new digital point of sale system as we try to eliminate the need for paper cards and slower times finding them.
Allergies/Special dietary needs
We take all food allergies/restrictions very seriously and believe that having the most information possible from parents is the key to keeping your child safe, happy, and well-fed. All allergies and other special dietary needs must be communicated to the camp at least one week before your camper’s arrival. We can easily accommodate gluten, nut, and dairy-free diets. However, if your child has additional needs, we may ask that you help in providing food for them. Please make sure your allergy form is completely updated in your Active Network account. Feel free to contact Pam DeVos (Food Service Manager) at office@camprock.net . with any questions or additional requests.
Cell Phone Policy
Camp Rock Ministries, along with summer camps across the country, will continue to enforce a NO camper cell phone policy. We can appreciate the desire for parents and guardians to be in contact with their camper while they are at camp however the risks of allowing campers to have cell phones continue to outweigh the benefits in the camp community. Cell phones continue to advance and offer multi-use functions like camera, video recording, music player, texting, web browsing, and video games that can be a distraction or put campers at risk of emotional injury when misused or unsupervised. In addition to these factors, cell phones can be expensive, and the outdoor camp environment can be hard on electronics. Campers LOVE receiving mail while at camp and we encourage you to write letters or send an email to connect during the week. Some parents have even left pre-written letters with us at registration, to hand out throughout the week.
If you would like to send a letter to your child, address it to:
Camper’s Name
Camp Rock
8092 Road 81
Bridgeport, Nebraska 69336
Email a note to your camper:
Please put your camper’s full name in the subject line of your email.
If you would like to send a letter to your child, address it to:
Camper’s Name
Camp Rock
8092 Road 81
Bridgeport, Nebraska 69336
Email a note to your camper:
Please put your camper’s full name in the subject line of your email.