Podcast Resources Page

This page is meant to help you find the resources we talk about in the podcast or to use it as a quick reference guide to the Scriptures discussed.

Episode #12

Are all people God's children because of Adam and Eve?

What is the difference between discipline and abuse from parental figures to their children?

Why did God make men more powerful and in control than women?  Women have always been
second-class citizens with not a lot of choices since the beginning of time.  Why is that?

Episode #11

Did Mary carry Jesus for 9 months?  Or because He was Jesus, did it take less time?

Why is porn bad?

Are some sins worse than others?

How do you forgive yourself?

Episode #10

Are tattoos sinful?

How can I know for sure that I am saved?

Do you think America is going under judgment?

When is it going to get better? (I'm having a really rough time with my insecurities and being/feeling happy.)

Episode #9

Why is marrying a non-Christian such a big deal to some people?

Did God create the world in a literal 6 days?

Why did God create things that can kill us?

What are some good books to start in the Bible?

Episode #8

Why do my moods change so rapid? Is there a reason why they change so many times?

How do you deal with Christian friends that are not good examples or a bad influence on you?

What if you have a friend that acts one way at church or camp and then treats you terrible away from there?

How do you determine your denomination? Do you have to have a denomination?

How do I keep my faith after I move out?

Episode #7

Is it bad to envy a good quality of someone else? For example: humbleness, love, or charity.

What is the Bible? Where were all of these books chosen?

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?

Does the Bible mention how Moses grew up?

Episode #6

Is it ok to cuss?

How do I talk with other people about how their religion isn't the truth?

How can we know the Bible to be true?

How can you help someone through the process of being saved other than praying?

Episode #5

How do I deal with an addiction that I've had for a long time?

Episode #4

Why does the KJV say charity instead of love?

What is a good way to remember something other than notes and memorizing word for word?

Who is Zion? The name is mentioned a lot.

Why are we here?  Especially knowing we have to go through so many bad things.

Episode #3

How do I know where I'm called?

Should you get married in public in front of others to publicly announce your love?

How can you help somebody to trust and understand God?

How can we help people find God after they have stepped away?

Episode #2

How can you take a verse that some people take out of context and turn it around and teach them in the right context?

How can you get out of bad friendships without being or sounding prideful or rude?

How do you know if something is bad if your conscience isn't telling you?

How do religion and science go together?

Episode #1

How can you know where to start a good Bible study?

How can you get someone to come to church or youth group without them thinking you are being pushy or annoying?

Why do we find it fun or a good thing to sin sometimes?

Why did God make people before the flood, if He knew He was going to have the flood?

What do you believe is the biggest challenge that Gen Z will face spiritually?