Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it...
Psalm 127:1
Are you a first time camper coming to summer camp? Are you a parent and this is your first time sending your child to camp? Even if you are seasoned veteran of camp, here are some tips that we hope you find helpful!
HOMESICKNESS is experienced by the majority of campers in some degree. It is a normal emotion felt by all ages and it is usually mild. Most campers miss something about home such as their parents, siblings, pets, friends, or even sporting events. In most cases, this feeling also helps them grow and even more enjoy their time away from home while feeling that sense of independence. Our staff members are well-trained to work with homesick campers. We will try a varying set of techniques in order to maintain your child’s emotional well-being while here at camp. Here are some suggestions for you!
- Send letters or emails to camp and keep them positive about camp and the fun that they are going to experience.
- Pack a ‘safe’ item such as a stuffed animal or family picture to place in their bunk.
- Don’t make “pick-up” deals!!! “If you feel homesick, I’ll come and pick you up.”
- Don’t tell them you will visit if they feel homesick as camp policy strictly prohibits visitors.
- Pack letter writing materials and stamps and encourage them to tell you about camp in their letters.
- Don’t worry your child by saying, “Have a great time at camp, I hope I can survive without you.”
Store cards
STORE CARDS are used for purchases in our CAMP STORE through-out the week to eliminate the need for campers to carry cash. You may place any amount on the store card that you desire. (Average amount for a full week of camp is $15.) Any money that is NOT spent on the card at the end of the week will go to an offering for camp scholarships. The Camp Store will remain open during check-in and check-out times for anyone desiring to purchase camp apparel or a snack.
Allergies / special dietary needs
ALLERGIES / SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS must be communicated to the camp. For specific food allergies and dietary needs, please contact our Food Service Manager at least one week prior to your child’s arrival by calling the camp office at 308-262-1585 or by emailing at office@camprock.net . We take all food allergies / restrictions very seriously and believe that having the most information possible from the parents is key to our success in keeping your child safe and happy. We can easily accommodate for Gluten Free, Nut Free, and Dairy Free. If your child has allergies that are more difficult to accommodate for, we may ask that you help provide food for us to prepare for them.
SAFETY is an important focus of our programs here at Camp Rock. A doctor is available by phone for consultation and we are within a fifteen minute drive of a clinic, hospital, dentist office, and pharmacy services. We spend a great deal of time training our staff how to properly run all activities with safety as the chief concern. Most of our summer staff members are First Aid and CPR certified. We also employ a full-time Health Coordinator during the summer season. The role of this staff member is to distribute all medications and take proper care of our campers and staff.
PRAY for your child before, during, and after their camp experience. This is one of the most important things you can do. Before they come, pray that their hearts are prepared for what they need to learn, that any anxieties they are feeling may be calmed, and that have an excitement for coming. While they are at camp, continue to pray for those things but also pray for our staff as they minister to them and as they lead your child through every activity. When they are home, pray that they remember what they learned and will share that with those around them.